The Hop Garden, Harborne, Birmingham

Pub #2205:

Great to escape Hipster Hell, I sped along toward Harborne and soon found the streets I originally planned to run…success!  The Hop Garden, my original target, looked less than promising from outside but from within…Heaven.

The bartender looked like Cathy Carmichael, a friend from Atlanta in the olden times (our Debra‘s girlfriend way back then).  Spooky, but it was also lovely.  Not nearly as lovely as the floors made from old, German packing materials, but one trip down memory lane is always worth it.

There wasn’t a lot of custom in the bar despite the many board games and the 5-7 real ales (lost count) and the disparagement of lagers.  I was really intrigued by Downfall:

Unfortunately, it had nothing to do with Holocaust Memorial Day (on Sunday) nor anything to do with beer…unlike…THIS version of Downfall:



Author: Drunken Bunny

I run and go to pubs. That's about it, really. Pronoun: I couldn't care less how you refer to me ... I'm dealing with ADULT problems.

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