January 2019 Recap/Photo Dump

I’ve been running recreationally — and keeping track of it — for 45 years now; and, in 35 of those I have covered at least 2000 miles per year (and averaging over 2000/year for 42 out of 45). Last year was one of those 3 outliers with just over 1000 miles.  At my current pace, that’s what I would predict for this year, too, but the scaling up, modest though it is, has begun.

So, this low-mileage month was not so bad considering that the enforced convalescence last year to recover from an injury ignored and exacerbated the 2½ years prior means this meek mileage is equal to that logged for the entire 7½ months from mid-May until New Year’s Eve.

The pub count is low, too, but typical for this time of year with 11 for January.

The rest of this post is just a collection of photographs that didn’t make it into other posts this month. Feel free to ask for details, if you think they help…if I agree, I’ll update the descriptions (but try to keep some perspective and dignity).

85.4 miles this month (pitiful, just pitiful but you restart somewhere).
Longest: 6.6 miles
Average: 3.7 miles per run, or 2.75 per day for the month
Pubs: 11
Pubs on runs:  9

And, this is the weird bit–my weight has been a stable 154.7 pounds (±1.01) since losing a little more than 10 pounds (and a world of stress) during the 3 weeks immediately after leaving Oxford.

Here are some of those promised January sightings:

In Weoley Castle:

A little east-southeast of the UniBrum main campus:

Old Joe looming over George I:

Not the first Drug Discovery Club I’ve been involved in, mind you:

Earlier Drug Discovery Club experiences were more like this, though:

I found in Selly Oak what must, from the name, be an old, local asylum for simpletons:

West of my house, there’s a Politically Incorrect industrial park…there are several ways to take “May Pole,” (“permission to pole, granted” or something related to this Chris Rock bit) but certainly no one needs help deciphering the T & A sign:

Laid back is, indeed, the California Way:

The country park near the house is a bucolic setting:

And, on yesterday’s run I found the Edgbaston Cricket Ground where I hope to take in some of the matches:

Blistering cold today with little respite as February starts.  Another of these in 4 weeks….


Author: Drunken Bunny

I run and go to pubs. That's about it, really. Pronoun: I couldn't care less how you refer to me ... I'm dealing with ADULT problems.