The Great Stone Inn, Northfield, Birmingham

Pub #2232:

Opening time on Sunday is noon at the Great Stone*.  I took the upper photo at 11:59 and was still behind a dozen others (and two dozen more came into the adjacent lounge while I sipped my pint).

Two kids managing the bar flirt-wrestled with the boy gaining the upper hand.  He mangled the Miranda warning (odd, here, since there is a similar albeit distinct British version) and I piped in, “don’t worry, I don’t think he’s a real copper.”

They and some of the bar people looked up and smiled.  He said, “this way, miss.  Get in the van.” He paused for a second and added, creepily, “the van with all the candy.”

“Oh. Maybe he IS a real copper.”  This comment did not go over nearly as well, but I had miles more to run and no more beer so I took my leave.

*The sign outside says opening time is 12 everyday, the website says 11:30 except Sundays at 12, and a sign inside has it as 11 on a variety of days.


Author: Drunken Bunny

I run and go to pubs. That's about it, really. Pronoun: I couldn't care less how you refer to me ... I'm dealing with ADULT problems.

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