The Noble Room, Staff House – UniBrum

On a bit of a fish & chips binge, lately, this is the second time I’ve had it at the Noble Room (but the first time was a group lunch and I already was going to seem weird BEFORE starting to photograph my platter).

It’s good F&C here, too.  The batter isn’t especially salty and soaks up vinegar greedily.  The mushy peas and chips are very good (for an institutional cafeteria) and you scoop your own — the chips in the photo obscure the mound of mushy peas I loaded up on.

Sat with another group because there was an empty seat there.  Didn’t know anyone at the table and the only thing I said, as I was daubing up the last of the peas with the last chip, was, “good lord…you’re cursed!” to an Irishman that had just listed every ailment he has suffered since moving to Brum.

Author: Drunken Bunny

I run and go to pubs. That's about it, really. Pronoun: I couldn't care less how you refer to me ... I'm dealing with ADULT problems.