The White Tower, Duddeston, Birmingham

Pub #2299:

House hunting is a tiring business … a thirsty one.  I had just come out of the most recent dumps on offer and really needed to rinse the bad taste out of my mouth.  Up ahead, I could see the White Tower from my perch upstairs on the bus and rang for the next stop.

“Where are you?” Jackie asked when I rang to report on the morning’s explorations.  When I told her the White Tower she cut my sentence off with, “I love that building.  What’s it like inside?”  I told her about the old guy either asleep or dead at the entrance and how everyone else is crowded round the bar area.  Then, I coaxed her back to the business at hand.

Good bar, friendly people, but it closes at 6 from what I can tell on google maps (the Facebook page is a little more generous).  A day drinker’s paradise, though.

Author: Drunken Bunny

I run and go to pubs. That's about it, really. Pronoun: I couldn't care less how you refer to me ... I'm dealing with ADULT problems.