The Olde Queen’s Head, Halesowen, West Midlands

Pub #2312:

Leaving the Waggon & Horses, I skirted Halesowen trying to make up the time lost there on the break in the run…I still had groceries to pick up, as it happened.  To my endless chagrin, the Olde Queen’s Head loomed into view and, as it would have been rude not to, I stopped in for a quick pint.

Wandering around the bar to the back room in search of the tender, I found a couple sitting in the dark.  “He just went the other side, Love,” the missus informed me and I wandered around to where I started to find it likewise abandoned.  Staying put, I watched a bit of a video on telly — the show was “top 100 hits of the 90s” — and he eventually turned up.  Circular bar…dizzying.

Fun video show.  The next one up was the Divinyls doing “I Touch Myself,” which always makes me smile.  Then, there was Jarvis on the screen with “Common People,” which I have always adored but which I can no longer hear without getting the Shatner version stuck in my head…try it for yourself; I dare you.  Here’s the link:

He also does a horrifying version of “The Revolution Will Not Be Televised,” but that’s for another time.

Author: Drunken Bunny

I run and go to pubs. That's about it, really. Pronoun: I couldn't care less how you refer to me ... I'm dealing with ADULT problems.

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