Chipz, Northfield, Birmingham

The wind had been brutal on the run to Rubery but was more at my back on the return trip. There had been rain and I was tired and hungry and cold (I tend to develop the shivers when I exercise whilst hungry). Chipz was the first likely takeaway I ran past that was open.

I waved off the salt, as usual, noting to the cook that I only buy cod as a vector for malt vinegar; yet, the fish was still extremely salty (which led to me gasping for water the following 3 miles home).  Additionally, the batter was bland and the fish itself the only upside (it was hot and moist and firm and…get your minds out of the gutter).

Author: Drunken Bunny

I run and go to pubs. That's about it, really. Pronoun: I couldn't care less how you refer to me ... I'm dealing with ADULT problems.