The Drawbridge Inn, Majors Green, Birmingham

Pub #2360:

After lunch at the Plume of Feathers I felt revived but was still easily 10 or 11 miles from home and with only a few opportunities for new pubs to hit.  I was resigned to making the 20 miler finish at a rail station rather than home and started heading west-southwest.  But, a couple of miles along I found the Drawbridge Inn, a loverly little canalside bistro to recoup and recalibrate.

I looked at my options in my window seat next the canal.  It was still raining steadily but no longer heavily and I opted to use the GPS directions app to plot my shortest route home.

The canal path was muddy and slick the first mile from the pub then semi-paved thereafter.  It was tempting to stick waterside but the computer compelled me overland.  About a half mile from the house, the rain stopped.  The skies were clear by the time my bath was filled.  And, so it goes.

22.3 miles on the day, the first day with more than 20 miles in the last 23 months.  It feels good.  Sort of.

Author: Drunken Bunny

I run and go to pubs. That's about it, really. Pronoun: I couldn't care less how you refer to me ... I'm dealing with ADULT problems.

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