The White Swan, Solihull, West Midlands

Pub #2357:

The heavy rain and single digit temperatures did nothing to motivate me for the day’s run.  But, Jackie was off to Bath for an appointment and this would be a good opportunity to spend the day in the countryside so off I fucked to Solihull to start the long route.

A quarter mile in, I realised I didn’t bring any gloves with me so I headed to the charity shops at the edge of the shopping district.  On the way, I was tempted into pub stop #1 of the day, the White Swan.

It was packed with rugby fans watching the World Cub match between England and New Zealand.  Very tempted to stay for the finish, I dutifully went out, bought my gloves, and almost immediately got lost.  This would be the theme of the day — well, being lost and suffering hypothermia.

Oh, yeah.  Numerology: this is pub #2357, near the hospital where Jackie works.  I met her when I was 23.  I’m now 57.  Spooky.

Next up, Red Lion in Knowle.

Author: Drunken Bunny

I run and go to pubs. That's about it, really. Pronoun: I couldn't care less how you refer to me ... I'm dealing with ADULT problems.