The Old Queen’s Head, Sheffield, South Yorkshire

Pub #2367:

Third pub meal of the day was a blue cheese and bacon burger that I drenched with Henderson’s Relish in the Old Queens Head washed down with a bitter and viscous porter.  I’m sure I put on weight, today, despite the nearly 9 mile run before breakfast but an introduction to Henderson’s makes it all worthwhile.  A bottle of this around reduces any food to merely a vector for this wonderful sauce.

The elephants are a bar rail feature I’ve mentioned before, most recently at the Station in King’s Heath last June (more links in that write up), and are always a welcome sight.  The plaque at the entrance (below) doesn’t quite convey the shear age and history of the building; Pevsner mentions it and it is generally considered the oldest structure in town.

Sheffield was a good visit, not only for the fine science presented but for these five varied but all very good pubs.  Already planning a return trip before the British Mass Spec Society event next September; at the end of that visit, I’ll be returning with a suitcase full of Henderson’s.

Author: Drunken Bunny

I run and go to pubs. That's about it, really. Pronoun: I couldn't care less how you refer to me ... I'm dealing with ADULT problems.

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