New House Day 5: Routine

The days start at 5:30 with coffee down the rental way.  We head to the bus at 7 and I’m at the tram stop in a glorious sunrise about 20 minutes later.  By 8, the workday starts and finishes around 6 with a 30 minute stop for a beer and some lunch.  The work is akin, in effort and skill required, to the construction work I did on the Arts Center and Midtown MARTA Stations back in 1980-82.   Do the maths…I was a much younger man then.

Which is one of the satisfying things about the effort.

Jackie arrived after her half day at the NHS by which time I had set the not as old vinyl wallpaper down to use as a dropcloth in the dining room so I could Blue Grit the Artex.  We painted and painted and cleaned up and headed home.  Repeat.

Author: Drunken Bunny

I run and go to pubs. That's about it, really. Pronoun: I couldn't care less how you refer to me ... I'm dealing with ADULT problems.