New House Day 8: Old house

9 hours into packing for the Monday move Jackie’s mobile music collection prophetically start playing “Tequila.”  She poked her head out to the conservatory where I was finishing taping the last of the garden boxes and pantomimed a person taking a shot….

I cut the only lime in the house and poured the first of a few shots of agave.  Sublime.  Speaking of Sublime, Santeria was the next song up.

We spent the day packing.  A nice break from the construction work at the new digs (and scheduled as such and on time and under budget, so far) we still feel weirdly like none of it is real.  Very odd for people who have moved house together (forget our transient lives before hooking up…TOGETHER!) 20 previous times including (with one or more cats) 3 transatlantic shifts and one from Athens Georgia to Tucson Arizona (nearly as far and involving a van towing our car and all our shit).

We’re pros.  But, this is still new territory.  Final pre-move efforts on the West Brom end, tomorrow.

Author: Drunken Bunny

I run and go to pubs. That's about it, really. Pronoun: I couldn't care less how you refer to me ... I'm dealing with ADULT problems.