Holiday Run Streak 2019, Week 3


Sunday 08 Dec: 7.3 mile trip to old house to check mail
Monday 09 Dec: 8.5 mile lunch run lost under King’s Heath
Tuesday 10 Dec: 6.9 mile grocery and hardware trots
Wednesday 11 Dec: 4.6 mile lunch run to old house (mail check)
Thursday 12 Dec: 6.9 mile feverish lunch run to town and back in the rain
Friday 13 Dec: 6.3 miles on Run Commute #3 (from work)
Saturday 14 Dec: 3.4 mile Xmas Tree run to Wednesbury

43.9 miles this week, 125 so far this run streak.

The week was a blur due to fighting a case of the dreaded lurgy until Saturday when both the fever and the rainfall finally broke.  We looked for a Christmas tree all over West Brom but I eventually had to go out for the shortest run of the week to Wednesbury, a village up a hill about 2½ miles away.  The church that dominates the skyline from back at my part of WBrom — seen in the above photo — was still up hill from the pub stop on this jog.

Saving the photos for a ‘home’ themed post sometime hence, we uncovered some Edwardian quarry tiles in the kitchen and the front entranceway and think we may be able to restore them to their former state.  We also examined one of the fugly fireplaces and have started trying to source a period surround for insertion once we destroy the reprehensible excuse for a hearth.  Stay tuned.


Author: Drunken Bunny

I run and go to pubs. That's about it, really. Pronoun: I couldn't care less how you refer to me ... I'm dealing with ADULT problems.

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