Holiday Run Streak 2019, Week 6: completion and photo dump

Sunday 29 Dec: 3.3 miles to Ivy Bush via Oldbury
Monday 30 Dec: 3.2 to Screwfix and the New Talbot
Tuesday 31 Dec: 6.1 out to Bilston
Wednesday 01 Jan: 4.2 through Dartmouth Park and south West Brom
Thursday 02 Jan: 7.1 on first Commute of the year…in to work
Friday 03 Jan: 8.7 second Commute…home from
Saturday 04 Jan: 4.1 to the Waggon & Horses and Morrisons for decent bread

This was the final week of this nonsense.  I really see why it  doesn’t  come  around  every  year.  The  weekly  tally  is  36.7  miles  with  266.7  for  the  entire  festive  season (quite low in recent history).

Awesome Art Deco facade on factory at the rail border between Oldbury and West Brom

The Blue Plaque at the top of the page was spotted up the street from The Ivy Bush and when I went to inspect I was pleased to find it commemorates a brief tenancy of Malcolm X.

Whilst tidying up the computer after the hols, a few other photos from the streak emerged.  The Christmas feast included roast duck with potatoes, asparagus, cornbread dressing, a sweet potato pie, and the wines seen above.  A run to Bilston revealed a statue of a woman with an anvil instead of a head, laden with rock or coal:

For something more traditional, here’s the WW1 memorial in Dartmouth Park:

On the same New Year’s Day run, the Oak House puts our shack to shame:

On the Friday Commute run, I passed near the water works (the reservoir is just beyond) and assumed this tower was a 70 year old water tower.  Turns out it dates back over 200 years and became the inspiration for one of Tolkien’s “Two Towers.”  See below . . .


Author: Drunken Bunny

I run and go to pubs. That's about it, really. Pronoun: I couldn't care less how you refer to me ... I'm dealing with ADULT problems.