#GVRAT Great Virtual Race Across Tennessee — 1000K by 31 August

With two virtual races already done, Brownie’s Blog tipped me off to another one to stay focused through the weird summer ahead.

It’s the Great Virtual Race Across Tennessee, brought to you by the folks that put together the Barkley Marathons.  The starting gun went off the 1st of May and the race ends at 1000 km logged or 31st August, whichever comes first.  I got in 9.6 miles today (my 1st-3rd May mileage doesn’t count since I only signed up today).  611.9 miles (984.6 km) to go.  See you in Memphis (or, Bristol TN … not sure which way the virtual route is going).

Daily (or as frequently as I add mileage) reports at this link.

Author: Drunken Bunny

I run and go to pubs. That's about it, really. Pronoun: I couldn't care less how you refer to me ... I'm dealing with ADULT problems.