#GVRAT1000K Day 3: Run and a Walk, Finally “Reaching Tennessee”

Oh, Howard just pointed with his gun
And said, “That way, down Highway 61”

Another Work-From-Home day, so the run was early to get me back online and present (although except for a meeting at 3 I really only had lectures to attend).  Got in 5.1 miles by chasing down some bridges I’ve missed in the Canal Furniture project (segments that were between already-reported-ones).  At lunchtime, Jackie fancied getting out for a bit of a hike and I joined her for the break and fresh air.  Thus, the total for the GVRAT effort (which includes walks if intended for health and sanity purposes) came in at 8.6 miles for the day, finally getting across the Mississippi and into Memphis as far as the corner of Florida Ave and Highway 61:

The canal structures (on the non-virtual run) were on two different waterways.  Crossing Greets Green to pick up Phoenix Street, the Balls Hill Branch was accessible by that bridge:

Two former wharfs still have the towpath bridges even while having no water to bridge.  The first was along the industrial park:

And the second at a metals recycling yard in the bend:

In the doldrums of the dried cattails, a fridge floated around.  It was mesmerising and a little macabre for its resemblance to a coffin (I have been obsessed with death of late):

The last straggler on this branch was the New Gas Street Bridge (more of a culvert than anything):

There was a lone leftover on the Tame Valley Canal so I followed the tram line until the footpath petered out in Hilltop and dashed the rest of the way down Holloway Bank to the waters.  It is still a cheap thrill to add a new segment to the books, even a short one; so, I savoured the flat tow path up to the quite nice footbridge over into the unremarkable (but still new) buurt before heading home for some breakfast.


Author: Drunken Bunny

I run and go to pubs. That's about it, really. Pronoun: I couldn't care less how you refer to me ... I'm dealing with ADULT problems.

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