2020 Commute 30 of 52 (From): #GVRAT1000K Day 4 from Downfall to Memphis Suburbs

Tomorrow is a rare Friday Bank Holiday, for what that’s worth during lockdown…too bad, too, as it promised to be grand considering it is the 75th anniversary of VE Day.  The photo is a rare selfie, this time from the bunker that my workspace has become whilst all but we essential workers are allowed on campus; you will forgive the absence of yet another not-so-rare Downfall overdub meme, especially as this is VED-Eve but there you have it.

Today was a bog-standard Thursday with the public transport ride in for checking on instrumentation, loading a few proteomics samples onto a column, and then run commuting home along the canals … 10.6 miles with a side trip down another canal. My GVRAT mileage, however, is reported as 12.7 since I get to include walkies (did a 2.1 mile West Brom walking loop to stretch and grocery shop post-shower).

The GVRAT segment started at the western extremes of Memphis TN out on Highway 61 and eventually stopped outside East Memphis on an old rails-to-trails path called the Greenline in the Shelby Farms Park and Garden.  My Day 4 stopping point actually looks like the kind of place I would want to run:

Author: Drunken Bunny

I run and go to pubs. That's about it, really. Pronoun: I couldn't care less how you refer to me ... I'm dealing with ADULT problems.