2020 Commute 33 of 52 (To): Hated But Rated and #GVRAT update (Git’er Done)

The constant, painful throbbing in my forehead subsided last night and I haven’t used pain meds (other than bourbon) in more than 24 hours.  I opted to do my normal commute run in but shaved a mile off by entering the canal path a bit farther downstream than normal.  That was probably a good idea, as were the frequent stops for water (in and out) and sightseeing.  I’ve spotted the Hated But Rated mural before (it turned up a few months ago) but that’s today’s picture, not far from where The Incident occurred last Thursday.  (Note…I misread the graffito that day as “40 Words” when the actual note was “How many words,” but both were apropos.)

The commute along with the walk downtown after my duties put my GVRAT mileage at 126.1, landing me just short of “Git’er Done Equipment Rentals.”  The name refers to a catchphrase a college educated, middle-class, northerner made famous doing a white-trash comic caricature that Southerners really embrace and most of whom think is authentic.  I despair for my people (just not enough to ever spend any time with or on them).


Author: Drunken Bunny

I run and go to pubs. That's about it, really. Pronoun: I couldn't care less how you refer to me ... I'm dealing with ADULT problems.