2020 Commute 37 of 52 (To): Lockdown Stats and #GVRAT Update

I am meant to understand that Lockdown is lifted and we are in something called “Phase 1” (ahead, I am also convinced, of Lock Back Down).

The aqueduct high over Aston Webb Blvd

The pubs are still closed.

The rail bridge between Selly Oak and University stations

Running during Lock Down: managed 63 out of the 72 days clocking up 458 miles.  Not including today (14.5 miles today on the canals with an additional Selly Oak stretch plus another 2.1 around West Brom after returning home) but starting with the one during which the Lockdown was announced, there were 19 of these done as commutes.

A utility bridge as you approach Sainsbury’s

Started a run project during The Lockdown based on canals and their accoutrements.  Several hundred canal features have been logged so far.

A new footbridge near the new student housing next to Sainsbury’s

Today’s new segment is between University and Selly Oak rail stations on the Brum & Worcs Canal (area map link for today’s bits here).  There was also a repeating Conspiracy Stencil between (at least) central Birmingham and Selly Oak:

The campus is not yet open but there were actually security personnel manning the otherwise closed entrances (so instead of jumping over, crawling under, or pushing past barricades I got to show my ID like a civilised person).

Bristol Road Bridge where my canal segments ended for the day

The Great Virtual Run/Race Across Tennessee continues on.  As of today, I have racked up 261.7 miles putting me near Flintville:

The virtual location is not covered by Google StreetView, so I have today’s location looked back at from the next intersection a few hundred feet away:


Author: Drunken Bunny

I run and go to pubs. That's about it, really. Pronoun: I couldn't care less how you refer to me ... I'm dealing with ADULT problems.