2020 Commute 79 of 52 (From): Shajarian

Brisk morning, out on the canals as I escaped from a flying stopover at work early enough that my shadow’s length was 6 or 7 times my height. Mist, clean air, and some simply crystalline moments on the canals. A lot of this was likely due to the random and frankly mystical mix of Mohammed Reza Shajarian recordings I listened to for the run. RIP.

If you get some Shajarian, try to get a collection that attempts to cover all the genres and, within each of those boxes, across the decades. My own collection, an illegal download from about 20 years ago that stalled at 11.7%, contains instrumentals as short as 30 seconds, almost swing-like big band stuff, folk songs, and some very pious and classical sounding things. Fantastic way to take in the morning.

Author: Drunken Bunny

I run and go to pubs. That's about it, really. Pronoun: I couldn't care less how you refer to me ... I'm dealing with ADULT problems.

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