Tuesday, I was inducted as a new recruit to Bill Gates’ zombie army. As I write this, my very genetics are being slightly altered. I’m not bothered by that having taken serious and sustained risks with my DNA throughout my youth. A friend once photoshopped a massive cock on my head, and I am tempted to send this to my GP if asked about experiencing side effects. It was an Astra Zeneca jab, for the record.

A friend in the States had a rough time with her first Moderna stick so I was pleased I only felt a we bit tired Tuesday evening. Bed early (10-ish) and an hour later awoke to shakes and shivers so violent I couldn’t make it across the hall to the bathroom, opting instead to put on a hoodie so I’d have something to hold heat in my head.

Eventually, I had to use the pissoir and crawled into the bathroom. After relief, I was parched and drank some water at which point I could suddenly tell that I had a blazing fever.

That’s how you know it is working.

Anyway, no sleep for the night as those events repeated every 15-20 minutes until time for work. I made it to work for about a half hour and headed home to bed until a zoom meeting I needed to attend at 3pm. By this time, a migraine had set in. During a grad student’s presentation I vomited. I was back in bed by 6 having managed to watch about 30 minutes of Inherent Vice and retaining about the first 10 minutes worth. What a waste of a day.

{Side note: another grad student asked how the transition to one of Bill Gates’ robots was going. “How dare you utter the name of The Master?” I demanded.}

Now it is Thursday. Much better but I still haven’t felt this bad since my last real illness 13 months ago (which, from all indications, was probably COVID-19).

Second jab at the end of May. Woo-hoo!

Author: Drunken Bunny

I run and go to pubs. That's about it, really. Pronoun: I couldn't care less how you refer to me ... I'm dealing with ADULT problems.