Week 28 Recap: When Did Simple Desire Become A Sin?

There is an overwhelming longing to finish the house refurb as we start our 21st month in The Compound. We feel like this is normal but we have never set — nor abided by — the standards of others. The arbiters of taste and morality be damned.

We continue to work on indoor details because the pile, seen behind the rising cladding (made from 115 year old skirting boards formerly resident in the pile), precludes our enjoyment of the garden. In the coming four weeks our summer project will be to shift the old shed’s contents to this temporary structure (made entirely from scrap, mind you), tear down the old shed, add it to Skip #3 at the end of the month, and pour a slab onto which we will build the new, larger shed and a wee patio.

This is less ostentatious than mildly ambitious. The garden is small but the aerial Google map of this buurt was recently updated with our stuff in the garden blurrily visible. The brick shed on the back of the house (torn down June 2020) is still attached to the house in this shot and our blue patio table is visible with the shadow of the folded parasol on it. A larger shadow on the lawn is cast by the folded down clothesline and tells me that the date is late spring and the time is mid-to-late morning (someone was home as the upstairs bathroom window is open):

We may have missed our window of Summer opportunity, though. The first days exceeding 25 degrees C (77 F) were this week and that may be what passes for the heat wave this year. We are natives of the sultry, humid lands of the subtropical southeastern US; moderation in all things is an unfair demand in this hellishly temperate climate.

The foot injury seems to have eased and I’ve managed to run enough to sweat a few times. Fines and fees: £72.67

Author: Drunken Bunny

I run and go to pubs. That's about it, really. Pronoun: I couldn't care less how you refer to me ... I'm dealing with ADULT problems.