New Shed Part 1: The Takedown

The old shed — small, rotting away — was more porous even than when we first moved in.  We had other things on our plate but the time to rebuild is nigh. Above, the state of devastation in the garden as the old shed was methodically dismantle over the coarse of about 30 minutes.

A year ago last Sunday, this was the state of our doors

The plan is to follow the old wall at the railroad cut.  The current box is 6 feet by 5 feet and crammed full, a good thing since the packed contents are probably the only thing holding it up.

Last summer, we started cleaning up some of the doors from the house refurb to use on the shed.  Covered in lead paint, we had to strip these outside and with shitloads of PPE involved. I burned out an old heat gun working on one of these.

Shed roof is now the lean-to roof and everything in the shed had to be relocated

We also took down a brick shed at the back of the house, now temporarily replaced by a makeshift lean-to for temporary storage of the current shed’s contents.  This is next to “The Pile,” our longstanding, building-rubbish collection awaiting the next skip (link is to LAST year’s one).  Now that the old shed is down, we have enough shit around to justify ordering another skip and to clean up the garden a bit more.

Author: Drunken Bunny

I run and go to pubs. That's about it, really. Pronoun: I couldn't care less how you refer to me ... I'm dealing with ADULT problems.

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