New Shed Part 3: From Foundation to Floor

The slab, which needed at least 7, cured for 8 days before I was able to get back to it, post-vacation. With a couple hours of daylight remaining Friday after work, I set to installing the floor.

It is a 2×4 frame covered with 3/4 inch plywood (2 full sheets and another ripped in half lengthwise. The four joists over the concrete were bolted to the slab while the framework on the brick faces were pulled tight because the concrete is 1-2mm lower than the top of the bricks. I realise now that I should have put a layer of sealer on interface of these outer boards and the slab, but I’ll take care of that with a caulk of some sort in the final edit.

As the sun set, I tried out the loungy chair at the site for the first time since initial grading. A large bourbon, our robin (the male of the pair), and an episode of Alexei Sayle’s Imaginary Sandwich Bar (Series 1!) accompanied me. It is supposed to rain for much of the next two days so the new floor was covered in a tarp before going in for the night.

Author: Drunken Bunny

I run and go to pubs. That's about it, really. Pronoun: I couldn't care less how you refer to me ... I'm dealing with ADULT problems.

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