Week 32 Recap: Wu Tang Week

Slow morning at work, Monday, and so I entertained myself by chasing down a Wu Tang Clan name generator. Using the simplest form of my actual name, I transformed into “Iron Toad Visible” for the rest of the day. On Tuesday, I put that into the genny and was reborn as “Illusionist Pinkish.” This continued the rest of the week, with the input on the day the output from the day before:

Monday – Iron Toad Visible
Tuesday – Illusionist Pinkish
Wednesday – Mink Ungrateful
Thursday – Tiger Midnight
Friday – Adventurer Sarcastic
Saturday – Hoodoo Unpleasant
Sunday – Lamp Eye Wandering

It is like casting the I Ching or reading a horoscope.

The sign says “Wash hands and keep 2m apart” but I look like a jackass when I do it and have to go through doors sideways.

One of the PhD students commutes and carries his gear in a suitcase. Tuesday he left it in the middle of the office floor creating a Tripp-ing hazard:

Fines and fees: £84.17, but no penalties for the bad jokes.

Until next week, this is Lamp Eye Wandering signing off.

Author: Drunken Bunny

I run and go to pubs. That's about it, really. Pronoun: I couldn't care less how you refer to me ... I'm dealing with ADULT problems.