Monthly Round-Up, January 2022

The amaryllis bloomed before New Year’s Day and bravely held on through the first two weeks of the year. I broke open one of the paper chromatography lateral flow devices I used over the break and found nothing really interesting there. Largely, that’s how the month went…things working the way they were supposed to without surprises.

Running: 140.1 miles, 80 of which were on the 9 Rail Runs. One bottle of bourbon (to finish the Christmas hoard), 18.8 bottles of wine, and 8 beers for an approximately 20% decrease from last January. End of the Christmas weed. No psychedelics left. 13 negative lateral flow tests. One kebab, one fish & chips, two pubs. Progress on living room floor, stairwell walls and stairs, and dining room trim.

Trump is still free. We’ll check back on that at the end of February update.

Found this message to Trump in the gent’s on the 7th – 8th floor landing. “And, the sign said to me it said, ‘Sir, only you can wet the floor so bigly and still with such caution,’ and I told that sign that I know some Russian prostitutes I can get to help out and do you know that that big, brawny, powerful sign shed a tear right there.”

Author: Drunken Bunny

I run and go to pubs. That's about it, really. Pronoun: I couldn't care less how you refer to me ... I'm dealing with ADULT problems.