Rail Run #85: to Snow Hill

I took the opportunity afforded by an afternoon free (to go to a cancer screening and surgery follow-up) to tick off another entrant — Snow Hill — on the Rail Run List. Fifteen to go.

I tried to time a lunch kebab at Chaps Pizza with its opening time although I was a bit late due to overestimation of my speed and underestimation of the sights to see along the way. First up was some blatantly pre-laid Hash House Harrier trail (above). This was spotted 30 hours before their scheduled run from the Hop Garden in Harborne, just around the corner (tsk).

Around the next corner, I spotted this industrial leather strapped mesh bra draped around a sign post. I wish this had been near the dead badger a few days earlier — I would have dressed the carcass.

This industrial building still had a roof and the promise of repurposing for the new development called Port Loop. I always suspected the developers wanted to shitcan this site to build anew, and they have almost certainly achieved planning permission by allowing it to decay in the weather. Capitalism.

The Summerfield Community Centre was a striking note on the skyline as I approached the Winson Green prison site (a little ways from my hospital visit). After my all clear on the old cuts and my scheduling of a biopsy on some new ones, I made my way to the Red Lion and a traipse through the Jewellery Quarter which is absolutely awesome and deserves a visit all its own.

Author: Drunken Bunny

I run and go to pubs. That's about it, really. Pronoun: I couldn't care less how you refer to me ... I'm dealing with ADULT problems.