Rail Run #90: from Acocks Green

In post op, the attending surgeon and nurses gave me instructions on how to care for the wounds…keep the bandages dry, paracetamol for the pain, etc, etc. (It was two more BCC excisions, both on my left forearm). Yeah, yeah, I thought, but I still had time to slip in a rail run to work before the day had slipped away. I arrived at Acocks Green just past 11.

The Great Western is right next to the station and I stopped in to take care of some work emails then headed down the road, picking up a cod and chips for lunch along the way. It was a struggle to cover new roads for the map but, despite the overcast cold and windy weather I made it in before the local anaesthetic wore off.

The low hanging fruit of the Rail Run List is now mostly gone (10 to go). There’s a couple of reasonably easy possibilities from or to home or work but most of the Coventry Line is going to wait until Summer when I can traverse the verge-free lanes in pre-dawn sunlight:

Author: Drunken Bunny

I run and go to pubs. That's about it, really. Pronoun: I couldn't care less how you refer to me ... I'm dealing with ADULT problems.