Manchester Pre-Deb Trip May 2023

The last day before my vacation started — albeit still days away from wrapping up the Pre-Debra refurbs — I finally managed to reverse engineer the OEM controller for a laser we need at work for about 4 hours. At 10% power, this continuous wave beast made this pretty little hole in 100ms. That’s waiting for my return to work, now.

We went to Manchester the night Debra flew from Raleigh-Durham so we could meet her at the airport first thing the next morning. Manchester is just lovely and easily the most european city in the UK. We, on the other hand, dined in a Thai place in Chinatown (considering the Vietnamese place next door, Pho Cue, to have too cutesy a name).

There were pubs, of course, but mostly we just wandered about marvelling at architecture we’ve previously overlooked. Too little time, this trip, but whatthehell, right?

Author: Drunken Bunny

I run and go to pubs. That's about it, really. Pronoun: I couldn't care less how you refer to me ... I'm dealing with ADULT problems.