Front Garden

We broke up the ready-mixed concrete that made up the front garden in July 2021 at the opportune moment that one of the skips arrived. I wanted to lay Victorian tiles but J was keen on trying some lawn scaping. It was thin for the first few months but eventually caught up (grown from seed, not sod).

One neighbour (don’t know which) started letting his dog shit in there but that stopped after I started dosing the paved part of the walk with cayenne powder. Birds love it –it tastes sweet to them, as I understand it — so I also spread it in the hedges for the sake of the kids who shove their empty snack containers into them (dumber than the dog, the children probably won’t ever realise why their eyes burn, which is nice).

We finally abandoned the sod idea (or, the sodding idea, as it were) nearly two years hence and opted for the paving I originally considered but with just the leftover quarry tiles from the house refurb (nearly two more years before). With 110cm width, we were able to fit in rows of 5 plus about a 1/2 on a sand substrate over some weed blocking fabric. Now, we just need to put out some plant pots.

Author: Drunken Bunny

I run and go to pubs. That's about it, really. Pronoun: I couldn't care less how you refer to me ... I'm dealing with ADULT problems.