Monthly Recap July 2023

Poppy at Dudley Street Guns Village Station

The totals for the month: barely triple digits at 100 miles running, 17 pubs, 4 kebabs, 4 fish and chips, 2 short reviews. Here’s the cartoon of the month (not necessarily a monthly feature):

We got a new sideboard on which we put our turntable and speakers and inside of which we stored CDs and various electronics. The old tv stand must go, now, but we’ll make sure we’ve cleared it of cats before sending it on.

Ozzie the bull — from the Commonwealth Games last year — has taken up residence in New Street Station. Magnificent.

On a bus ride, I sat behind Bob Dylan from about 1965 for a few stops until he got up to depart and it turned out to just be some school boy:

The spaceman encountering the flower was a nice find. It brings to mind the future and the way I have, in this blog this year, been juggling time and discovering that it is screwing with my head. I’m never on the blog for something publishing today (except some rare stop-the-presses ones and these monthlies); things always happened ages ago or won’t be ‘live’ for ages.

Y’see, I’ve dedicated myself to doing one blog post per day all year. It doesn’t have to be just one but that doesn’t kick in until I have one scheduled for every day of the year.

As a result of this and my other 1-fish-or-kebab-post-per-week commitment (which ended when I reached 26 each), I stand today with only 55 posts left to schedule 153 days from the end of the year. Pubs are currently ‘done’ out to 18 October. The most recently published pub write-up, a couple of days ago, detailed a visit on 14 June. Similarly, fish looks backward to 04 April and kebabs to the day before that.

Once a full set of 365 are sorted, I’ll start pushing multiple postings until I catch back up to the current date on 30 December (the monthly/annual summary already earmarked for the 31st).

Author: Drunken Bunny

I run and go to pubs. That's about it, really. Pronoun: I couldn't care less how you refer to me ... I'm dealing with ADULT problems.