Northfield Run, 2CM (& 2CMx), 1TP, 1Bolt

It was a lunchtime run to Northfield to shake out a few miles, grab a kebab, and dash to the rail station to get back to work. Along the way, as has become an obsession, there was TrigPointing to do. At top, the locations of the final two marks while the photo just below is the location of the first one found this trip:

This is the weakest one I’ve seen and I suspect that it was filled with mortar at some point. Find it at the corner of Weoley Park and Bristol Roads.

I wasn’t successful at locating a couple of others on the stone walls stretching down the hill but then the ‘bridge’ as they call it at Wood Brook (which regularly floods right here since the bridge acts more like a dam) revealed an extraordinarily fine specimen.

Here you can see that the bench top is still suitable for the wee board that fits in and supports the levelling equipment:

Making some mileage from this point, I opted to run past some other targets but stopped at the former site of the Northfield Public Baths:

The marks were removed with the rubble of the old Northfield Baths seen here still intact in July 2014:

Trying again, I swung past the YMCA housing near the turn onto Church Lane, but the building — while not razed for the current iteration — underwent a major refurbishment a few years ago.

These temporary accommodations were as seen above when we were looking for our first house in Brum late in 2018. The GMAP streetview, below, is dated March 2017…it is possible that the mark is still over on the corner to the left but that will have to wait till the next jog this way:

My real target this time was the Bolt in the parish church which sits near the Great Stone Inn:

This was my first Bolt on this new project since the ones on the canals are dead hard to find and the one in the St George’s former Sainsbury’s is covered with some awful plastic hoarding.

To finish off (since my train was due and I was still a quarter mile away), here is my logged photo for TP11495, the centre of the top of the tower on the church. Overall, not a bad little run.

Author: Drunken Bunny

I run and go to pubs. That's about it, really. Pronoun: I couldn't care less how you refer to me ... I'm dealing with ADULT problems.