The Old Bush, Bilston

Pub #2630:

I was lost and trying to suss my location without referring to electronic devices. A chippy that I thought should be about a mile away was off to my right and, if this was true, then the Old Bush would come into view just a few … steps … away and there it was. Shit. Well, I decided to make the best of it.

I was wearing a Jim Beam t-shirt and the bartender was having trouble understanding the order I was trying to make so I just pointed at the shirt and said, “large, this, no ice, please.” Each was reiterated in time starting with ‘this’ until he found the right bottle, then ‘large’ followed by ‘no ice.’ Thanks.

Author: Drunken Bunny

I run and go to pubs. That's about it, really. Pronoun: I couldn't care less how you refer to me ... I'm dealing with ADULT problems.