A Game of Two Halves

I missed all my front end Cut Marks including one that was supposed to be on the Rosehill Tavern, my midpoint on this run. The others fell in rapid succession with an 80% hit rate. Trigging is like that.

At the start, I took the Gilbert blue brick as a promising sign. Hubris.

Where the fence on the left, below, meets the wall (either down the bottom of the stairs or just behind me) was supposed to have another Benchmark but nooooooo:

The cannon at the top of the hill foreshadowed the weird compound it stands by.

Something of a fortress, I have yet to get a satisfactory answer for what this place is:

After the Rosehill Tavern, I found my first mark on this former church, former Citizens Advice Bureau, and current Islamic education centre:

The Library held the second CM. The front of the building was polluted with adolescent girls so I took the photo around the side:

#30 Lower High Street holds a Ukrainian restaurant and the third mark of this fruitful section.

Just down the hill from there, #48 was my first failed find since leaving the Rosehill. The Island Lounge, across the way, has one employee and she refuses to serve you (so, that was the SECOND miss of the back half…but the Turk’s Head two doors down will fix you up):

Finally, as I was heading back to the tram I picked up my last Cut Mark on the CURRENT Citizen’s Advice but the Science School next door was so much more compelling to photograph:

Author: Drunken Bunny

I run and go to pubs. That's about it, really. Pronoun: I couldn't care less how you refer to me ... I'm dealing with ADULT problems.