Birmingham Benchmark Run

The Cut Benchmarks and Triangulation Points are less means than ends. For instance, as I approached Albert Street (the section of which would have had a Cut Mark but the building was lost to the high speed rail depot site) I spotted a Blue Plaque for Joseph Priestly on the side of St Michael’s.

I scored some CMs on and near the Victoria Law Courts (finished in 1891 and Grade I listed since the 1970s). “Forward” seemed to be a theme in late 19th and early 20th century Brum.

“Justice Giveth Everyone His Own” sounds like a promise and a threat at the same time. Kind of like the lyric in the Christmas pop song, “The Man With The Bag,” which says “you’ll get yours.” My tourist friend here looks concerned.

There were once law offices at 175 Corporation St, next door, where I picked up another CM.

And, on the east side of the Minories at what used to be a pedestrian subway (that’s an underpass, Americans), a cast mural celebrating the area. Sadly, the mark here was on a wall next to the stairs leading down, none of which exist or — if they do — they’ve been filled in.

I did find the one on the left side in this photo of the Minories, a modern shopping arcade similar to the Victorian ones all over the City Centre.

The Angel Fountain is another of those features I knew was there but have never really bothered to examine.

Finally, I headed down the humourously named Needless Alley to find a pin (TP 18334) at the Union Chambers which was replaced ages ago with this glass and steel insult. Needless, indeed.

So, here they are:

Author: Drunken Bunny

I run and go to pubs. That's about it, really. Pronoun: I couldn't care less how you refer to me ... I'm dealing with ADULT problems.