Four years with our own house

Another year gone by, faster and faster.

We redid the kitchen and Kesey finally fell to the weather (but Tim is still protecting the garden):

The living room redo turned up some old backing material in our fireplace mirror confirming it to be contemporary with the house construction date:

Debra visited in May and took a sneaky photo of me and Jimi playing by the transom at the street door:

Before her visit we finally got some decorations up:

Then, after she left we worked on getting a porch installed by the shed:

Other major changes got put on hold as some emergency surgery put Jimi and our savings through major changes of their own:

But, I did manage to get a start on replacing the fence between us and the neighbours to the north with a proper brick wall:

The deep, dark winter is setting in, now, and we can focus on indoor projects…none of which are particularly intensive. The worst two will be reconfiguring the downstairs loo and laundry (before next year’s conservatory install) and finishing the flooring in the attic. We renegotiate the mortgage next summer as well so hopefully the overpayments we’ve snuck in have an effect by then.

It is really seeming like we’ve lived here forever despite the constant work and actual short tenure.

Author: Drunken Bunny

I run and go to pubs. That's about it, really. Pronoun: I couldn't care less how you refer to me ... I'm dealing with ADULT problems.