Aston Uni BMs, Courts of Justice

I’ve probably gone to the Gosta Green more frequently than the other bars in the area because it has an early license. This time, it was just for the Cut Mark at the Holt Street sign.

The only other mark this trip was on a wall next to Rio’s Peri Peri but in a nice early 20th Century block of offices:

The really nice bits this time revealed themselves (revealed, not exposed) at the late 19th Century Courts of Justice.

The details on these buildings really beg for more time than I had to spend there (and, speaking of time the magnificent clock was either 5 hours behind or 7 hours ahead):

The robes of Justice, herself, look like they would rustle if a wind blew by:

Fat little cherubs hold the whole filigreed structure aloft:

The Victoria entrance needs a bit more time to fish details out of, too.

Victoria looks warm and is flanked by partially clothed women and sits just above George slaying the Dragon. I don’t think the guy climbing the steps really stopped long enough to take this all in, but such is the nature of the business he’s probably in there to do.

Author: Drunken Bunny

I run and go to pubs. That's about it, really. Pronoun: I couldn't care less how you refer to me ... I'm dealing with ADULT problems.