Shrewsbury Day Trip

First time in Shrewsbury and I am blown away by the lovely architecture, starting with the rail station, above. Usually utilitarian and coarse and ugly this one seems a church to the industrial age.

The Market Clock Tower caught my eye on my first loop around the city and I realised later that the vane isn’t just pretty but is a triangulation point (TP11863)…lucky find.

After a breakfast beer at the Shrewsbury Hotel, my next loop involved a narrower circle and a more targeted trigpointing effort. I found the Lion Hotel’s mark (too early for the bar there) but prowled the exterior a bit for pictures, info, and any loose souvenirs (no luck on this last front, alas).

The Blue Plaque, on the other hand, really tempts another trip and perhaps a stay (in Disraeli’s suite if we’re lucky).

I got caught behind a pool of about 30 pensioners trundling up the street opposite as I searched for the Flush Bracket on the old Guild Hall (now a residence). They stopped the walking tour for the docent to give her spiel right in front of the building I thought it was but after inspection I decided to continue on to my next spot. Looking back one more time, I spotted it two doors up from my first guess and ran over to get ahead of their slow blockade:

Then, it was on to St Alkmund’s church but not before marvelling at the houses in the adjacent square. Not for the likes of me unless that Lotto ticket finally works.

St Alkmund has a dubious backstory even questioned by the parishioners of this gothic church, but they were out in force doing some grounds tidying as I prowled about looking for my Cut Mark.

It was on a buttress on the north side but not near a corner nor facing out. These are often the most satisfying finds.

Done with the trigging, I moved on to simple tourism and a bit of lunch before exploring the magnificent library. Here is Darwin, guarding the entrance.

The walls must be 18 inches thick and awe inspiring. Well worth ten minutes visit a couple blocks from the station (I was there two hours).

Author: Drunken Bunny

I run and go to pubs. That's about it, really. Pronoun: I couldn't care less how you refer to me ... I'm dealing with ADULT problems.