The Roost, Wednesbury

Pub #2662:

I walked from the Lord Nelson to the Roost on the recommendation of someone at the first pub who lives near the second one. There seemed to be shock that a stranger wandered in and the pub, a bit on the rough, locals-only side, seemed held together by baling wire and chewing gum. My kind of place but I can see why the Nelson might be your preferred hangout given a choice.

I went for lager, again, although there were some surprising offerings on tap. Unsurprising was the way everyone, except me, who walked in reeked of weed but the due diligence of Zero Tolerance placards was up and I’m certain these were strictly adhered to.

The real attraction appeared to be the billiard table with several fellows arriving with their own cues and one even bringing his own set of billiard balls. Alternatively, the barman will play cribbage with you or the old-men-in-decline will offer you opinions on the 80s music videos played just a little too loudly.

Author: Drunken Bunny

I run and go to pubs. That's about it, really. Pronoun: I couldn't care less how you refer to me ... I'm dealing with ADULT problems.