Recipe: PBJ&M

Crooked Path Home, indeed

First proper post of the new blog is all about a recipe that yields a feast for the mind.  Michael Pollan repeatedly describes the aftermath of ingesting this sort of feast as ineffable (defying description).  Philistine that I am, I had a rude definition in mind along the same lines as this one given by a panelist on “I’m Sorry I Haven’t A Clue,” vis:

Feckless: an Irish virgin

Tale of the times: everything reminds you of Brett Kavanaugh, Mark Judge, and Christine Blasey Ford

PBJ&M Sandwich


Large, whole wheat bap

Peanut butter (crunchy has some textural advantages)

Blackcurrant conserve (or other tart jam or preserves)

Roughly 30 g mushrooms chopped coarsely (3 g if dehydrated are used).

I got my supply as the first batch from a wholesaler near Brixton — I served as the otherwise unpaid scientific advisor for this new farm and, I’m guessing, the guinea pig ahead of the new product rollout.

The crash gate on the north side of RAF Northolt currently blocked by fallen tree

While not precisely delicious, the acrid flavour and unpleasant texture of the mushrooms is quite effectively masked.  For a predawn breakfast, this provides both the energy and inspiration for a bit of a hike as the sun rises.

The Ruislip train depot: realised that the horns are made to sound like steam horns even though they are driven by electric fans.

It turned into a very productive morning, indeed.  I had tickets in the afternoon to hear a talk by the author Will Self; instead, both my Will and Self were obliterated.

Cracking and popping underfoot, a bed of tiny apples encouraged paying attention to my feet just before filtering through a herd of cows who seemed oblivious to my passing.

Much later in the day (the walk was a mere 2 hours starting about an hour after the breakfast), the first episode of the Jodie Whittaker incarnation of Dr Who was broadcast.  She’s very Tom Baker-esque, but with a healthy dose of David Tennant.  I’m so pleased … is that wrong, at my age?



In all, about 6½ miles walking and some very good realignment of my mental state — I’ve needed this.  Definitely the closest thing to a reunion with dear, old friends I’ve had in a few years.



So we beat on…


It has happened, again (or, shall have by the time this post is followed up).  I have run out of my allocated storage for “The Endless British Pub Crawl Continues” just as I had with the original “Endless British Pub Crawl.”  Here are the relevant stats for each:

Endless British Pub Crawl

Start date: 19 January 2009 (covering from our UK arrival on 14 Jan 2009)
End date: 5 January 2015 … two weeks short of 6 years
Pubs #11292
Work:  Cambridge and Oxford

Streatham, Ely, Cambridgeshire
Bicester, Oxfordshire
Swindon, Wiltshire:  Ferndale Road, Western Street, and Avenue Road

Endless British Pub Crawl Continues

Start date: 5 January 2015
End date: 8 October 2018
Pubs #12932175
Work: Oxford

Swindon, Wiltshire (Avenue Road, only)
Ruislip, Middlesex, Borough of Hillingdon, London

Endless British Pub Crawl 3 (this blog)

Start date: 07 October 2018
End date: hard to say
Plans: Just to change things up a little, maybe it’s time to include some running and pubbing.  And, things that make me laugh.