Monthly Recap May 2023

The totals for the month: a pitiful 80 miles running, 14 pubs, 3 kebabs, 6 fish and chips, 1 short reviews. The food related resolution (26 each kebabs and fish & chips posts by year’s end) was completed. Here’s the cartoon of the month (not necessarily a monthly feature):

At the start of the month, I had a look at the Google Maps aerial photo of the back garden and was pleased to find a newer shot than that which went up two years ago. The new shed is in place (so at least September 2021) and the bicycles are covered near the back of the house (shifted slightly from there after the brick delivery in September 2022), and we sent the blue table to a skip in August 2022 so that narrows this shot to an 11 month period.

We deemed Debra’s visit, the focal point of the month, to be successful. Besides Jackie, this was the first time I have spent time with anyone our advanced age and it made me realise just how old we actually are. As that sinks in more and more, I am finding it a little depressing but unlike the chronic depression this one has not only a reason but a good reason and is a bit easier to swallow.

Sandwiched by Manchester trips to welcome her in and see her off we showed her sights along the canals (which she had in her head to be dry canal beds) where she added many species to her birdwatching diary, took her to the Bedlam of the Bullring Market, taught her how to manage herself on various forms of public transit, cooked her several new dishes, and introduced her to her little cat-nephew Jimi (who already seems to miss her). She had her first curries in her first Desi pub a few hours after seeing her first ever cricket match (quote of the day: “next time I’m bringing binoculars so I can see which one is going to be my girlfriend;” dream big, sister, dream big).