A guy walks into a Bar(ber Institute)

There is a standard joke structure involving A, a compound phrase with two or more seemingly redundant components; B, an individual or group supplying the source of irony therein; and, C, one of the components of A that in the context of B yields a punchline and some level of hilarity from ‘none at all’ to ‘uproarious’…vis, “A, or as B would have it, C.”  For instance, “I went out ‘day drinking’ or, as it is known in Britain, ‘drinking’.  

I have desperately desired to make the ‘School of Education’ such a joke but I have been to Arizona State University’s campus and met some students there and, consequently, know that the two components do not necessarily have anything to do with one another.  

I guess the only good response is, as noted on the door of the nearby Barber Institute, “pull the other one“: