Linen Closet

The next cabinetry on our list fills in the unused space on the upstairs landing as a linen closet — sheets, towels, blankets, and bog roll plus a space for the cordless vac to charge.

Until this was finished, we had all of those items stacked on some shelves in the office/second bedroom but we needed the space to make room for a visitor in May.

Eventually, we’ll wallpaper around it.

Coat Closet

Following on from the living room cabinetry, we desire to rid ourselves of wet clothing hanging on the doors and shoes piled by the kitchen. The framing of a coat closet takes into account the need for the now-covered wall to ‘breathe’ so as to mitigate mould (I took out a brick and installed a vent then left a 2cm deep path to another vent at the top of the cupboard).

There’s another vent in the floor to help damp clothes dry, the electrical sockets were moved to the plinth and a single was placed at eyelevel inside-left for the cordless vac to charge.

I wasn’t as careful with this one since it is getting painted (the living room ones really demanded precision, this one just needs a light sanding and final coat). But, it works.