Monthly Recap February 2023

The flowers are on one of our PhD students’ Venus Fly Trap. I didn’t even know they bloomed (VFT’s that is, as PhD’s mostly tend to blossom if they last long enough). Spring or a horde of flying vermin must be on the way.

The totals for the month: 133 miles running, 15 pubs, 5 kebabs, 5 fish and chips, 6 short reviews. Here’s the cartoon of the month (not necessarily a monthly feature):

Jimi tried to crush his tail off a few hours after this photo (below). Around bedtime, he jumped up onto my lime tree in the laundry room window and pulled it down. We tidied up and went back to bed and he eventually made his way up there. The next morning we noticed blood everywhere but he has since recovered…his lovely tail is still the same length but takes a bit of a turn a couple inches from the end, now.

I don’t usually have confidence in mocking the lack of maturity of others my age but I spotted another 60-ish year old dude wearing a Sonic Youth bobble hat which, frankly, I coveted. But, he was also carrying a Star Wars slash sporting goods logo-ed back pack. Tsk.

We’ve got new incentive to finish off the detail work in the house as Debra booked her flights this month for a May visit. With luck, the spring foliage will cover the the rubbish blast areas along our otherwise scenic trails:

Monthly Recap January 2023

Tim and Kesey were made of different stuff, quite literally, and the weather took its toll on Kesey’s aggregate constitution over the years. First, the dog’s head crumbled away after a freeze then, January 1st, I found him supine before the shed. Tim’s enamel has faded a bit and he has a small amount of rust on his left hand but he’s still gardening and guarding as he has for decades.

Now, the entire first month has already come and gone with runs approximately 120 miles, 3 new fish and chips sites, 3 kebabs, and a return to Rail Runs (with 6 ticked off the list).

It snowed again, several times, but nothing like last month. We finally recovered from the Christmas lurgy and got back onto the interior details of the house refurb.

Here’s the cartoon of the month (not necessarily a monthly feature):