2020 Commute 15 of 52 (From): Death March

March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb; in the middle, it is essentially a wet dog dragging its ass along the floor (or, today, another slow, middle-aged runner to pace off of but never overtake).  This year, my least favourite month is also infected with coronavirus from a bat burrito in an east Asian market.  April may be the cruelest month, but at least it is relatable.

Normally, I can slip away from work on Friday at 4 or 4:30.  Discussing contingency planning (for the inevitable lock down) with colleagues in other departments and colleges meant hitting the canals at 5:30.  Overcast, cool but not cold, slightly breezy, 9.2 miles with a detour to Lidl to pick up wine and burger fixings.

2020 Commute 14 of 52 (To): Before the plague

9.6 miles along the standard canal route.

I had other things to do, yesterday, but people higher up the variety of food chains I happen to be a part of kept interrupting demanding contingency plans for when (they didn’t say, “if”) the University shuts down due to the COVID-19 outbreak.

This morning, rather than enter the inoculation vessels of the West Midlands Trams, a canal run seemed more sensible.