The Bacchus Bar, Birmingham

Pub #2419:

Discovering that the people rubbing up against me on the train were only doing so because of crowding is yet another blow to my aging ego.  Leaving the sparsely populated New Street Station with that — the forthcoming closure of the University only eight days away — I decided a beverage was in order.  The Bacchus Bar beckoned and down into the depths I strode.

Absolutely cavernous and gorgeous — it looks more like an old Abbey than a bar — the 6 patrons inside could have been joined by 200 more and it would still seem as empty as my train carriage tonight.  I sipped my ale near a monument to someone important and listened to someone who fancies himself thus tell all-and-sundry (as well as his phone companion) about the trials of being forced to work from home.  That he was neither at home nor working is the sort of irony Brits accuse Yanks of not “getting.”

I checked my phone and there was a work email from 5pm.  The University shutdown was moved up a week.  Battle stations, motherfuckers.

2020 Commute 16 of 52 (To): Life During Wartime

Earworm: Talking Heads have been on continuous, internal loop for the last couple of days…

Heard of van that’s loaded with vaccine
Packed up and ready to go.
Heard there was toilet paper out by the highway,
A store that nobody knows.

9.6 miles along the canals (I’ve been all over this town) with a contingency planning meeting waiting for me at the other end.  Two others in other departments later in the day with the University scheduled to go on lockdown for 6 weeks (maybe more) a week from Friday.   Crikey.

2020 Commute 15 of 52 (From): Death March

March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb; in the middle, it is essentially a wet dog dragging its ass along the floor (or, today, another slow, middle-aged runner to pace off of but never overtake).  This year, my least favourite month is also infected with coronavirus from a bat burrito in an east Asian market.  April may be the cruelest month, but at least it is relatable.

Normally, I can slip away from work on Friday at 4 or 4:30.  Discussing contingency planning (for the inevitable lock down) with colleagues in other departments and colleges meant hitting the canals at 5:30.  Overcast, cool but not cold, slightly breezy, 9.2 miles with a detour to Lidl to pick up wine and burger fixings.

2020 Commute 14 of 52 (To): Before the plague

9.6 miles along the standard canal route.

I had other things to do, yesterday, but people higher up the variety of food chains I happen to be a part of kept interrupting demanding contingency plans for when (they didn’t say, “if”) the University shuts down due to the COVID-19 outbreak.

This morning, rather than enter the inoculation vessels of the West Midlands Trams, a canal run seemed more sensible.