Compton Lock to Wolverhampton Top Lock

The canal run write ups are as tedious to write as they are to read (sorry about that, Chief). For this one, the map is linked to the picture of the map (above) with the colour coded pushpins for bridges, locks, graffiti, etc clearly marked (all the photos are there and the ones I didn’t think I’d necessarily want to see again bunched into galleries in this post).

My path joined the Staffordshire & Worcestershire Canal’s at Compton Bridge, above. There is a plaque on the bridge which casts some shade on the idea that the first ever narrow canal is the (still fab) Compton Lock, here:

From the junction with the Birmingham Main Line to the Wolverhampton City Centre there is a flight of 21 locks, some of which were atmospheric:

Others sported graffiti or interesting hazard markings:

There was the obligatory Beatles earworm prompt (Number 9 Number 9 Number 9 Number 9 …):

The Wolves Top Lock has a house (the toll keepers?) and a marker:

And, the other locks did nothing for me but here they are if you are that sort of anorak:

There were also some impressive bridges and other structures. Tettenhall Old Bridge put the new bridge to shame:

These older two rail viaducts are massive:

There’s a low head space tunnel under another set of rail bridges:

The junction between the two canals is signposted…”I went down to the crossroads,” was the earworm that Revolution 9 later replaced:

And, finally, some interesting weirs that also served as footbridges were served up in the first few steps beside the waters:

And, to finish off, here are the other pics from this run:

2021 Week 11 Recap: Watched (With Relish … @HendoRelish to be sure)

Surveying the garden, I realised it needs a thorough tidy-up. I also had the odd feeling I was being watched.

I had a burger whilst waiting for a train in Sheffield in the pre-COVID days and splashed a bit of the sauce on it from the bottle the bartender brought with the meal. SWEET JUMPING JESUS ON A STICK! Newby mistake: I only expected a knock off Worcestershire and not a life changing flavour bonanza. I drenched the rest of the bap and my chips then drank a couple of spoonfuls neat. Henderson’s Relish is The Shit (as I kind of mentioned before). I finally chased down a stockist locally and now my life is complete.

Same stockist had another product nearby that made me smile. Backstory: A guy from Ireland came to Tucson to meet up with a woman who was in my old drinking club, the jHavelina Hash House Harriers, and who wrangled him into running with us four or five times in the week he was there. He absolutely earned his Hash Name, Gentleman’s Relish, referring to a bit of Ulster innuendo. Haven’t tried the stuff, yet, but it makes me happy just having it on the shelf.

It was a drinking week. Fines and fees: £53.50. Double dip fines were largely attenuated by split weekend and psychedelica exemptions.

2021 Week 10 Recap: Bastards

A very busy week at work coming off a week of vacation and winding rapidly toward the Easter nearly-a-week University shutdown was capped by the complete failure of a cryocompressor supporting the Bruker superconducting magnet. These would be a great idea to slow the boiloff of liquid Helium except that when they fail — frequently — there is no liquid Nitrogen jacket so the boiloff runs away which could lead to a quench (and, possibly, an explosion). Plus, the cost savings are eaten entirely — and then some — by the £40K per year ‘service contract’ that only the most well-heeled academics can afford. As I say for Thermo, “Fuck Bruker.” No response to my frantic request for help (which I am certain I would be billed a few thousand pounds for had they felt obliged), I found the problem to be a blown fuse which may well be a planned failure a la Samsung video devices…especially since the replacement was mounted right next to it, hidden where only the Field Service Engineer would find it. Bastard capitalists.

Movie of the week was a documentary, White Riot, which chronicles Rock Against Racism (I’m stalled halfway through Inherent Vice). Bastard skinheads. And, stinky hippies.

And, don’t get me started on (literal) bastard Harry and Meghan calling out the bastard racists in his mother’s husband’s bastard family. I think that’s accurate but, even if I cared about accuracy here, I really don’t give a fuck about any bastard Royal family.

Fines and fees: £28, with Sunday estimated to land at 1/2 bottle of wine and 5 large whiskies. Low this week due to the utter lack of fines which doesn’t reflect good behaviour so much as losing a couple of days to the vaccine’s side effects. Bastard AstraZeneca.

Spring has sprung. Bastard daffodills: