Edward VIII Postbox #8, Yardley, Birmingham

At the northeastern extreme of our neighbourhood recon trip, Sunday, we had already been checking out the postbox situation regularly.  Almost every one of them, so far, had been a George V indicating the neighbourhoods were probably established from the 19-teens to the mid-30s (Jackie, who noted this, is a historian and formerly a preservationist while I am just a post box fetishist).

We were walking briskly along the bleak Coventry Road trying to dive back into the old, quiet Emily Street when something about the pillar prompted me to investigate.  Certain it would be a Liz the Two because nothing there appeared older than 20 years, I glanced at the cipher and had already followed through on taking a step away when “Bingo!” involuntarily erupted from my lungs.  My eighth EVIIIR and the third one I found completely by surprise: another one in Brum (#6) and one in the Hertfordshire suburbs of London, the other (#5).

Just another sign that we’ve chosen the right neighbouthood for us.