Rail Run #81: from Trinity Way Metro

Trinity Way Metro was the final existing Metro stop on the Rail Run project although two new ones are long overdue to open this spring in Woverhampton and a whole new line is coming soon, they promise, out through Dudley. For now, I’ll take the win.

I had just finished a first coat of paint over half the dining room and veranda walls and a little of the ceiling so went for this run to allow the paint to dry enough for round two. I took a map, this time, and stayed mostly on trails that haven’t previously featured in this saga with a goal of picking up a kebab and some hardware along the way (both successfully). A little rain, but a pleasant trot overall.

Rail Run #80: from Duddeston

It’s a 15 minute train journey from work to Duddeston station and takes about 45 minutes to run back (55 with a stop for fish and chips at the Midland Takeaway, or 1:05 with getting lost in Balsall Heath). So, I made this Rail Run my lunch run on this last day before a wee holiday to work on the dining room and kitchen trim.

The area is pretty bleak but I ran past a house we considered buying and was impressed that the neighbourhood seemed to have improved — albeit only to about the level our West Bromwich buurt was at upon our arrival there. Still, I’m a real fan of industrial decay and the run back to work was absolutely rammed with it.

Cold out but hardly any breeze and the sun was glorious if still at a low, wintery angle and thus in my eyes most of the way. I would blame that for my serpentine route if it wasn’t so obviously my shit sense of direction. But, it turned out alright in the end.

Rail Run #79: to Kenrick Park Metro

Miserable cold, still, but the ice was mostly gone from the pavements and the migraine I tried to run away from on Friday’s rail run was a distant bad memory so I covered up and headed out to pick up some leeks at the Aldi, a copy of The Observer over at the Clay Pit Lane store, and a reasonably effortless run down the canals to Kenrick Park, one of the last two Metro stops on the Rail Run Project (although the Authority is threatening to open the last two Wolverhampton stands this spring).

The canal was frozen over and, after the above photo, I spotted loads of waterfowl enjoying a saunter around the surface. Only about a third of this trail was new territory but these (Kenrick Park and Trinity Way) were always going to be the hardest ones to do.

Rail Run #78: to Whitlock’s End

With no plan for this Rail Run, I took the advice of the Google Maps app until I reached the exit of Cocks Moors Woods Golf Course and Chinn Brook Nature Reserve. Then, the pedestrian pavement evapourated and I opted for the canal path until reaching the Drawbridge. This turned out to be an excellent choice and provided a little bit of new path to add to the map.

The trains are infrequent but there were no pubs nor any takeaways near-enough-by to justify trotting away from the platform (‘would be dark before I could return). Whitlock’s End is more like the ass end of the West Midlands but at least it is ticked off the list, now.

Rail Run #77: to Small Heath Station

The sun was still up and, while cold, the strong winds were mostly at my back as I left work. Up the Bristol Road and turning past the Edgbaston Cricket Grounds I was already preparing for the contrast from this unfamiliarly affluent middle-class neighbourhood to the much more similar to my buurt — albeit MUCH more vast — areas of Central Asian cosplay that make up Balsall Heath, Sparkbrook, and Sparkhill…nothing against being devout but why are the costumes such an important part of it?

Small Heath is a sharp little station with four platforms albeit only two (#3 and 4) still in use. I wouldn’t have intentionally run this route, knowing already how openly hostile the residents act toward the casual unbearded and non-sandaled passer-by but that’s what the Rail Run Project is meant for.

Rail Run #76: from Winson Green Outer Circle Metro

It feels good to be back on the road again; in this case, I refer to the Rail Runs Project, picking up Winson Green Outer Circle Metro before breakfast Sunday.

I’ve forgotten, these past few months of catch as can dashes, how nice a planned route early on a Sunday morning can be. My stamina is still low after the couple months recovery from injury then the general depression after a year of training culminating in failure (albeit the relative success of a triple-digit run that resulted in the injuries just mentioned).

The sunrise inched its way up as I plodded the arc home to stretch the path over 5 miles. The pavement ran out by Handsworth Cemetery leaving me to run on a normally busy and dangerous half mile stretch of road but only one car passed me in the misty morning light. The park path was muddy and there was a steep hill I’d forgotten about — and was unprepared for — on the way out but overall a pleasant experience.

Rail Run #75: to Wylde Green

During a breakfast stop a km away from the station, I was reminded that there was a rail strike. After washing up, I decided to continue on and take my chances that there would be at least a few trains running from Wylde Green to University.

I was lucky. The reduced service still allowed two trains per hour here.

There had been an ominous sign of failure early on. Trying to mark up a bit of pristine territory on the Rail Runs map, I intended to take the bit of canal from the north side of Hamstead to just above Perry Barr but a sign said, “closed for repairs”. Dead reckoning with a compass (overcast and black, today, so shadows were out) worked but it was very hilly.

Rail Runs #73-74: to St Paul’s Metro and from Jewellery Quarter

An early start to Saturday for two new additions to the Rail Run Project. First up was St Paul’s Metro. Sticking to roads I didn’t know and navigating by the shadows of the very bright sunrise took me past nice industrial architecture like the Steel & Alloy offices tucked behind some late-20th century utilitarian buildings.

Didn’t go in but this was also only the first time I’ve been to St Paul’s Square from which the Metro station gets its name:

There is a train strike on and I planned to ride up to Winson Green Outer Circle but the gates between the Jewellery Quarter Metro and Rail Stations was open so I was able to tick that remaining one off, instead.

The run back, still using the light as a compass, took me past the marvellous Soho Foundry and, more importantly, the Soho Foundry Tavern (now on my autumn shortlist):

Home before 8:30, showered, and off to the gym at 9. For the sake of my reputation I should add that intoxicating substances were involved, throughout.

Rail Run #72: to Erdington

I don’t mind the heat but the direct sunlight of the next few days is probably dangerous to my pale and prone-to-basal-cell-carcinomas skin. So, I’m doing my runs in the morning, for the most part.

Erdington Station was still on the list and from there it is a non-stop ride to University Station, so I headed out after breakfast to find my way there. Near my destination (the station, not work), I spotted a pub that reminded me more of work (not the station). A RED ion could carry a -1 or -2 charge state due to the acidic residues (E and/or D) but arginine (R) is quite basic and, at the N-terminus, is just as likely to be protonated. So, I calculate that RED+H+ = 419.1884. I need a vacation.

All that notwithstanding, the weather is lovely right now.

Commute #34 and Rail Runs #70-71: to Grand Central Birmingham New Street and from Corporation Street Metros

I jumped on the opportunity, the first day after the Commonwealth Games, to make my commute run count by ticking off two downtown stops on the Rail Run Project. First up was Grand Central Birmingham New Street Metro (having done the adjacent rail station ages ago).

There was a wait long enough to walk to Corporation Street Metro and back, twice, but instead I went into the station and bought a pastie for breakfast. Dreadful, sure, but filling and the tram arrived as I was finishing so I soon was able to head out to make the remaining mileage whilst crossing the New Street path to make it a valid commute run. I should follow rules, in general, the way I follow my own made up ones.