Week 52: A short one and out

With only 5 days left in the year, week 52 was a short one. Here’s my final thoughts on the final week.

Fines and fees: £86.50, and a more complete, annual analysis will follow, soon.

EO Wilson and Fred McLafferty, two giants in the sciences, died this week. I met Wilson at UGA at a ceremony celebrating Eugene Odom in the mid-1990s (Prof Odom gave me some good advice about my first PhD in Environmental Engineering which directly impacted my seeking a PhD in Chemistry). Fred was my academic grandfather in Chemistry (one of his endless brood of former PhD students became my PhD advisor), and the only reason I am not a disappointment to him is probably the fact that he never remembered I existed more than 10 seconds after each of our encounters. RIP.

The year, a.d. 2021, died Friday midnight, as well. Rot in Hell.

Going into 2022 trying to yoga my way out of a serious, recurring calf strain. Too old to run? Closer to 60th birthday than the 59th, now. Bleak prospects for improvement. Happy New Year.

And, Friday was our 36th anniversary. So, the week wasn’t all bad.